Foo Keng Yuen is a lecturer and researcher of River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia. His research interests are
environmental engineering, waste utilization, water treatment technology, catalysis, food security and toxicology and environmental health. He has a Web of Science
Hirsch index of 52. He has authored more than 100 publications in reputed international, high-impact and proceeding journals and book chapters, with the total
citations of exceeding 5,000 times. He serves as the Editor, Editorial Board Members, Scientific Adviser, Technical Committee, Review Committee, Keynote and
Invited Speakers in several international scientific journals, conferences and research seminars.
Professor Balbir Singh Kaith is currently Head, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Jalandhar (Punjab) India. Currently he is working on smart materials and their applications in controlled drug delivery as well as controlled release of fertilizers/insecticides/pesticides. His research group is also working on nanocomposites and their applications in the field of removal of toxic pollutants like dyes, heavy metal ions and degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarons. He is recipient of Best teacher award 2018, Professor W U Malik Memorial ICC Award 2018 and Fellow of the Year Award 2013-2014. In addition to this his research group got Gold Paper Award, Young Chemist Award, Young Scientist Awards and Best Paper Awards.